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Sunday, August 30, 2009

Neighbourhood Walk-about

Recently I spent the day with my friend and neighbour, Michelle. We spent the day walking around our neighbourhood in Toronto - Summerhill, Rosedale and Yorkville. There were lots of great photo opportunities. First we walked through Summerhill, then to Rosedale, stopped for lunch in Yorkville and made our way back home.

I think I should go on more photography walk abouts. They are fun. Its just a shame the camera weighs so much.... on a hot day, its a bit of a pain in the butt... but, well worth it. It was a great day. Here are a few of the pictures I took.

:) Roon-bop

Saturday, August 29, 2009


Here are some pictures of the adorable Slice. She is a sweet little puppy from Ottawa, ON. Her owner, Peggie, is into Agility training and her big sister Shaylie is a champion. I suspect sweet little Slice has success in her future.

I have to admit I had a little trouble with this photo shoot. There were two other dogs running around in addition to Slice and with the pool in the backyard, and a deck to hide under it was difficult to get her concentration with all that puppy energy. A good learning experience though.

:) Roon-bop

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Happy Anniversary

Today is my second wedding anniversary to the most amazing man :)

I have made these in honour of him.

To many, many more years.

:) Roon-bop

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

The Last of Fashion Class

Well, this is the last set of pictures from Fashion Photography @ GBC.

These pictures were taken at High Park in Toronto. A great location, very scenic. Make-up is done by the lovely Leslie Grey and the model, the very beautiful and reliable Ashley. I met a lot of very nice and talented people and am glad to have had the experience.

From now on I'll need to find my own models and location if I want to keep it up. For now... I think I do. Its fun working with all sorts of people to make a good picture.

My next class, People Photography starts in Sept and I'll be reunited with my girl Lisa for this one.

For now I think I will go back to basics. Take my camera for a walk, meet some nice people with some nice dogs and hopefully get a chance to do some beauty shots for friends.

:) Roon-bop

Monday, August 3, 2009

Queen Street Fur

At this point, I have finished up my fashion photography classes, but I'm way behind in posting the results.

In this week, we headed to Queen Street West to take some pictures of our beautiful models with some fur coats. One of my classmates was kind enough to pick up a couple coats from Value Village to help get the right look.

I'd say it worked. So thanks.

Stay tuned to see pictures from my last class photo shoot at High Park.

:) Roon-bop