Below is my submission for my second assignment in Photography 4.
The assignment was to take a photograph of a specular object. I chose to take a picture of a sterling silver clock I am borrowing from my neighbour (to help Poco sleep at night). With the clock I placed a book and reading glasses to give it some context.
The photograph was assessed in class. Overall it was well liked. A few pointers were that I should have used a white reflector on the left side of the clock, instead of a black one, and the second was that there is some dirt on the table, that obviously should have been cleaned off. You get so wrapped up in the details of the lighting and the placement of the objects, that you forget about the simple things. I did however, remember to clean the clock... lol... there is always much to learn.
On the plus side, I would also like to announce that I was able to photograph the White box successfully. I still need to get the Photoshop work done, but it felt SO good! I stayed behind after class with 2 other people, and we all managed to get it. There were high fives all around.
I will post that once I get the photoshop work done. My next assignment, due Saturday is to properly photograph and merge a panoramic photo. I'm still not sure what to take a picture of. But for now, enjoy my specular object.
:) Roon-bop