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Sunday, March 28, 2010

The end of the adventure

Well, everyone - this is the end of the road for this Roon-Boppin' Adventure.  School is done and I am ready to enter the world of photography.

As such, I now have my very own website that I built with my own two hands - well mostly it was my fingers that did all the work.

I hope that you'll all come and visit me at my new website:

Here you'll find my portfolios as well as my new blog.  I'm really excited about all of this.  There is much change happening in my life right now and I couldn't be more excited. 

Thank you all very much for following & checking out my blog for all these years.

:)  Roon-bop

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Camera being cleaned

I have brought my camera in for its first ever cleaning.  I feel very lonely without it.  My camera bag is lonely as well, and the lenses.  It's a very sad day.  On the upside, tomorrow will be a very happy day when we are reunited once again.

I felt like I should explain why I have not posted any pictures in a while.  As you know, I am currently working on my new website, which I thought would be done by now, but a lovely friend took a look at it and gave me some very good pointers, so there is more work to be done.  The reason I have not posted any pictures is because selfishly, I have been holding back so that I have lots to show you once it's time to release the website to the world AND the new (possibly not improved) blog.  The new blog will not be following my journey through photography school, but will be a journey of my professional photographic self.  I'm really excited about it and have already decided on a weekly post  :)  Though, I'll have to start shooting for it... once I'm reunited with my camera.

On another note.  I just realized that I have not named my camera.  As names are incredibly important to me, this is something that I will ponder & get back to you on.  Please feel free to make suggestions.

:) Roon-bop

Monday, January 25, 2010

Never using exclamation points again!!!

I've been reading Chuck Klosterman's latest book, Eating the Dinosaur and I just want to say:  Chuck, I hear you loud and clear - the exclamation points are gone.

Sadly, I am willing to admit that I had instinctively used an exclamation point when writing "the exclamation points are gone" and had to backspace and replace with a period.

My name is Sarah Blakely and I am a recovering exclamation point user.

:) Roon-bop

Friday, January 22, 2010

Check out this photographer: Brilliant!

I recently came across Dina Goldstein's latest exhibition: Fallen Princesses.  I LOVE it!  Great excecution, lots of fun, great tones. 

I really hope you all check out this project & take a look at her other work as well.

Finding great work & inspiration is always so much fun.

:) Roon-bop

Monday, January 18, 2010

Still working on my new website

I am still working on my new website.  It has taken me longer than I would have expected.  There have been a few bumps in the road, but I guess that is to be expected considering I've never created a website before.  I mean, I have updated a website plenty of times, through various jobs, but I've never created one from scratch and connected it.

So here is the latest update.  I have created the home page, contact page, set up my new email address, and I'm currently working on customizing my new blog space.  I decided to go with Wordpress, because I could link it directly to the site, but I have to say, so far it is not nearly as user friendly as blogspot.  There is definitely going to be a learning curve here.  I have already customized it to look (sort of) like my website, but now I need to customize the sidebars and what is included there. 

Also, I still need to create my portfolios.  This I have left for last, because I have NO clue how I'm going to do this.  I have considered doing it through Adobe Bridge, because I know it's capable of it, but I'm not sure if I am able to embed that into the page I have already created for my portfolio space. 

All I have to say is this:  Thank goodness for the internet!  Oh how it has made my life so much easier.  I remember back in the day if you wanted to learn something, you had to go to the library and take a book out, and maybe that wouldn't even have all the information you'd need.  The internet is such a wonderful thing.  And thanks to everyone for contributing to it, making it so wonderful.

Tonight, while Curtis is at school, I'm going to continue to work on the site.  Soon I hope to share it with a handful of friends to take an objective look at it and let me know what they think, and then it'll be time to launch.  I'll be sad to see this blog go, but it'll be here for me to look back on.

The future is where it's at!

:) Roon-bop

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Sincerest Condolences

It is not often that a photo blog will make you weep, but unfortunately, Natalie Norton's Pics and Kicks has done just that.

As you may know from previous posts, and my list of favourites, I have long kept up with Natalie's blog.  Over the past few weeks I followed as her newborn child was fighting for his life and was very sad to read today that Baby Gavin has passed.  I wish to send my sincerest condolences to Natalie and her family.  Though we have never met, she has let us enter her life through reading her blog.

May the comfort of family and friends help you through this difficult time. 

:( Roon-bop

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Been working

I've been working dilligently on creating my new website the past few days.  And I think I would have been ready to put something up, but I have to wait for something or other to tranfer before I can connect to it.  This should take about 5 business days... drag....   I am hoping to have an official launch of the new website by the end of Jan, or possible Feb1.  I'm pretty excited about it, considering I've never made a website before and I think it looks pretty good if I don't say so myself!

So stayed tuned for more excitement in 2010!

:) Roon-bop

Friday, January 1, 2010

Happy New Year!

With the first post of 2010 I would like to wish you all a very happy new year!  I hope that 2010 brings nothing but goodness for everyone (too bad we know that'll never happen).  After having a couple of not-so-fantastic years, I am hoping this is the year of awesome for my husband and I.  Hopefully this is the year of buying our first home, getting my website up, reaching my photography goals, taking on more responsibility at work and so on and so forth.

I also hope that everyone had a fun and marginally responsible evening last night.

:)  Roon-bop