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Wednesday, November 11, 2009

No gig last night

Well... the trials and tribulations were many last night.  Curtis and I didn't end up going to Absolute Comedy for The Dark Show last night.  Curtis' intern videographer backed out AGAIN last night & at the very last minute.  I feel pretty bad for Curtis, this is the third time this guy has failed to get equipment for filming.

So, because there was no filming equipment and the fact that Curtis has H1N1, we decided to stay home.  I decided that I would go out for a jog and ended up exerting myself a little too much.  I haven't gone running for months and I went for a 7km run.  It felt great, until it was time to stop.  Luckily, a long cool down has left my legs feeling okay today, but my poor back is not happy with me.

As such, there are no photos from last night's event (from me at least).  Tonight I am meeting up with some friends from my Fashion Photography class, so it'll be a couple days before pictures of Daisy, Ben & Cole find their way online.

:) Roon-bop

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