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Monday, December 22, 2008

Christmas Photography

The Digital Photography School has posted 16 tips for Christmas Photography. It has inspired me to make plans for my Christmas photos.

  1. I will bring my camera, new tripod, batteries, charger, USB key in case I need to unload at some point.
  2. I will REMEMBER to take pictures. Every time I go to a personal event, I usually FORGET to take pictures, because I’m having so much fun. That is not going to happen this year and here’s how:
  • I’m going to take pictures early in the event… before other family members arrive, I will take some time to take pictures of the Christmas tree, mom’s cookies, the dogs (because they are so fun to take pictures of), presents under the tree, decorations, etc. Also, because the night time comes so early, I’ll probably have time to get some pictures of Christmas lights outside (assuming it’s not too cold in Ottawa).
  • I will have a list of things and moments I want to capture. I haven’t put enough time into this at the moment, but this will include what I have mentioned above, as well as moments of my nephew opening and enjoying his gifts, a picture of dinner (i.e. passing plates, etc). Usually my family doesn’t do much exciting for people photography. We usually just sit around and chat. The women are usually in the kitchen, so I’ll try to squeeze in there. Also, I have heard a rumour that my brother will be bringing Rock Band, which could make some great pictures.

Because my husband and I are visiting at Christmas (we live in Toronto, everyone is in Ottawa), this means lots of events, which leave little time for casual photography, but I’m going to try to squeeze in some time. I’ll be bringing my tripod, and my parent’s house is filled with things. Hopefully I will find something interesting that I can create into a beautiful abstract picture. That is what I’m going to try focusing on this winter. It is much too cold for me to hang out outside… I’m a big baby and I know it. I’d really like to find some time for that.

So, remember to visit the Digital Photography School’s website to check out their 16 tips. There is nothing new here, but a good reminder and in my case, also a good motivator to get my butt in gear!

:) Roon-bop

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